o If the aiming light spot is
equally distant from both bore-
light positions, no
adjustments are required. If it
is closer to the 3 o'clock posi-
tion, make an adjustment to the
azimuth adjuster of three or four
clicks right. If it is closer to
the 9 o'clock position, adjust
three or four clicks left.
o Repeat this process until the
aiming light spot is equally
distant from both the 3 o'clock
and 9 o'clock positions of the
borelight spot.
Make elevation adjustments to your
aiming light as follows:
o Without moving the weapon, ro-
tate the borelight so the bore-
light spot is at the 12 o'clock
position on the target
observe the distance between the
borelight and aiming light
o Now rotate the borelight spot to
the 6 o'clock position on the