B, D, and A. The second column lists the item
to be inspected and the procedure. The third
column (Work time (T/H)) lists the task
hours (T/H) it should take to perform the
check or service. This time is expressed in
tenths of an hour.
If a malfunction occurs that causes
the CRT display raster to collapse into
a single horizontal or vertical line or
an illuminated spot on the CRT screen,
controls fully counterclockwise to
avoid burning a line or spot in the
face of the CRT.
3.2. General Troubleshooting Information
Troubleshooting of the viewer is based on re-
ports of malfunctions that may occur during
operation. The troubleshooting at operator
category is limited to minor checks and cor-
rective actions which do not require opening
the viewer. No repairs or adjustments of the
equipment by the operator is authorized. The
majority of malfunctions that occur will re-
quire referring the equipment to higher cate-
gory of maintenance. One of the prime trouble-
shooting responsibilities is to report accurately