Check charging log on end of battery
and make sure the battery is fully
charged before each mission.
Stow all protective caps removed from
connectors for operation in transit
case. Replace caps on connectors be-
fore returning equipment to the tran-
sit case.
a. Preparation for Field Use.
(1) Press the pressure relief valve, then
open the transit case by turning the eight hold-
down latches counterclockwise. Lay the transit
case cover to one side.
(2) Check contents of the transit case
and assure that all operating units are present
Do not attach the interconnecting ca-
ble to the battery until ready to oper-
ate the system. With the cable at-
tached, the battery will discharge if
the POWER switch is accidentally
turned on.
(3) Remove the viewer and the intercon-
necting cable from the transit case. Mate and