viewer through connector J1 for battery charg-
ing, system operation, or simultaneous opera-
tion and charging.
d. Minor Components. The minor components
(1) Cable assembly, special purpose, elec-
trical. The cable assembly, special purpose,
electrical (interconnecting cable ) is 6 feet long
with a female connector on one end and a male
connector on the other. The interconnecting
cable is used to connect the viewer directly to
the battery or charger or to the mated battery
and charger.
(2) Case, transit, viewer, infrared. Tran-
sit case, viewer, infrared (transit case) is a
waterproof case used for transporting and/or
storing the viewer units. The top and bottom
portions are clamped together by eight quick-
disconnect, sprnig-loaded holddown latches,
two on each side. An automatic pressure relief
valve is provided on one side to keep internal
and external pressure equalized. The interior
of the case is padded with polyurethane cush-
ions containing fitted cutouts for each of the
viewer units and accessories to protect and
cushion them during transit.
(3) Case, viewer, infrared. Case, viewer,
infrared (carrying bag) is a laminated nylon-